If you’re considering getting a nursing degree online, it’s certainly a great way to go for many. Online nursing schools offer a lot more flexibility to fit in your schedule. And many schools are even more affordable than on-campus options.
Free Nursing Courses, NOT Degrees!
Some schools even offer free nursing classes to those who are hoping to extend their knowledge and hone their skills.
However, let’s be clear: you can’t earn a degree solely by taking free classes! Be wary of free nursing school online options that offer free nursing degrees.
Why Consider Nursing School Online?
Why do people choose to study nursing online? Well, there are a lot of different reasons. Aside from the fact that it is more convenient and flexible, studying online can also improve your nursing skills a lot while you’re working.
Earning CEUs Online
Another reason is that nurses all over the country are required to obtain continuing education units, or CEUs, to renew their licenses. And with a nurse’s busy schedule, it can be difficult to study and work at the same time. Online schools make it easier for our dear nurses to get their CEUs while working.
Free Nursing School Online for CEUs
To help you with this, we have gathered a list of free and paid courses and classes you can take online. These free classes will help you gain more information and knowledge in the nursing field.
Medline University’s Free Online Nursing Courses
Medline University offers 250+ courses for healthcare professionals who are in need of CEUs. They are also an MOOC provider. The courses vary, and include the following:
- International Association of HealthCare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM)
- American Medical Certification Association (AMCA)
- Non-CEU courses are also available for those who want to improve and expand their knowledge base regarding healthcare. These courses do not count toward CEU requirements.
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics / Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR)
- CEU offers that do not exactly fall into the previously mentioned types.
- National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards
Completing these free online nursing courses from Medline University will help you gain a certificate. To sign up for their free online courses, you need to complete their registration process. You will be asked your basic information as well as facility information and your license number.
The information you will provide is necessary to help Medline University with proper reporting of CEUs to the state-specific licensing agency.
Paid Nursing Courses by BMJ Learning
BMJ Learning offers paid courses without an employer-BMA access code. They offer more great options for those who are looking to get CEUs. They also offer free courses, but you will need your employer’s BMA access. If you don’t have this access, you can get their paid courses by paying monthly or annually.
Paid & Free Courses by OpenLearning
Another great resource for learning is OpenLearning. The website has over 1,000 courses on a wide variety of subjects, and not just limited to healthcare. If you’re in need of a CEU, you can search their website for courses that suit your needs best.
You can sign up for free courses or paid courses, depending on the subject you choose. To make sure that the courses you’re getting are qualified CEUs, you need to check with your employers and look for the characteristics in the course description. The description usually says if the course has proper accreditation.
More About Online Nursing
This article is part of our series about getting a nursing degree online.
Check out the next topic in the series: Accredited Online Nursing Schools: A Brief Guide