Online learning has exploded in recent years.
Many people are forgoing traditional college and getting their degrees at online schools. But what if you don’t want a degree? What if you are just curious about certain topics or subjects?
Well, then there’s no shortage of online courses and classes you can take. And, even better, there are some really great free online college course options out there.
In fact, some of the top universities in the world now offer courses you can take online. No, you won’t qualify for a degree from these schools by taking some online courses. But, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to learn some amazing stuff! Below are some of the best free online college course options you can find on the Internet!
Best Free Online College Courses
Carnegie Mellon OpenLearning
Carnegie Mellon is one of the top private universities in the US. It is known for having a top engineering program. If you can’t attend Carnegie Mellon, anyone who wishes to study online can learn from the free courses at Carnegie Mellon’s Open Learning Initiative.
They offer short courses for biology, computer science, and more. It is a great learning platform where you can learn the basics of courses you want to learn of. Check out their website to learn more.
Stanford University
While not an Ivy League school, Stanford is is well-known for its academic strength. And it is one of the top universities in the world. he university now offers Stanford Online where students can have new opportunities to learn.
They offer short courses, advanced degrees, executive education programs, professional certificates and more. Topics include Cybersecurity, AI, Education and Environmental studies. Plus a lot more! They do offer many courses for free, but you have to pay a minor fee if you want to receive a verified certificate.
UC Berkeley
UC Berkley is another one of the top schools in the country. They now offer online courses for Data Science, Business Writing, English Lit, Marketing Analytics, Statistics and more. They have some nice free options for those looking to see what Berkeley has to offer. You can check out there online catalog here.
Yale University
For those who have been dreaming of getting into an Ivy League university, here’s one that makes our list. Yale now offers open courses for everyone. These courses are taught by teachers and scholars at Yale. These course are mainly introductory courses. You can check them out at the school’s Open Yale Courses initiative.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
We started this list with an engineering focused school and are ending it with one too! MIT is generally considered the top engineering school in the world. They offer a wide range of courses through MITOpenCourseware. You can find classes in business, the Fine Arts, Math, Humanities and, of course, Engineering! Plus a lot more. Check out the options here.
If you’re looking for the best free online college courses, you could do worse than start with the list above. There are some amazing options from some of the top universities in the world!
This is part of our series on How much does online college cost?
Check out the next article about How to Save Money on College Textbooks