where to get phlebotomy training

Where To Get Phlebotomy Training

Doctors and nurses are typically not the ones to perform blood draws on a patient. That usually falls to professionals called phlebotomists. Phlebotomists usually work in pathology labs of hospitals and clinics.

Much like with every other profession in the medical field, being a phlebotomist is not an easy job and it can be very challenging. To become a phlebotomist, one would need enough time in education and training, which can take from months to years. Below we’ll look at where to get phlebotomy training.

Growing Demand for Phlebotomists

In addition to that, a person aspiring to be a phlebotomist will also need to pass a certification exam most of the time. In certain states, there is also a licensure requirement to become a phlebotomist. And right now, careers in phlebotomy are high in demand in every healthcare facility.

Where To Get Phlebotomy Training

So where exactly can you get training and education? And what are the steps to become a phlebotomist? We will help you and give you an idea of what you will go through to become a certified, and even licensed phlebotomist. 

First, you will need a highschool diploma or something equivalent like a General Educational Diploma (also known as GED). If you already have a diploma after your secondary education, you will need to enroll in an accredited phlebotomy program. 

Most of the time, accredited phlebotomy programs are available in vocational schools and community colleges. These programs include education in anatomy, medical terminology, and physiology. 

The usual setting during these programs takes place in classrooms and laboratories. Phlebotomy programs take a year or less to complete, and once you complete yours, you will receive a certificate or diploma. 

Before you undergo a certification exam, you will also need internship or externship experience. After completing your internship/externship as well as your phlebotomy program, you will need to pass a certification exam. 

Phlebotomy Training Online

It is also possible to get your phlebotomy training online. This can be an excellent option where you can study at your own pace for your certification. Online classes also tend to be cheaper than in-person training.

If you go this route, be sure to take a class through an organization recognized by one of the certification bodies listed below.

Certification Exams for Phlebotomy

These certification exams are provided by any of the following programs:

  • American Society for Clinical Pathology
  • Association of Phlebotomy Technicians
  • American Medical Technologists
  • National Center for Competency Testing
  • National Healthcareer Association
  • American Medical Certification Association

Certification exams usually have over 100 items and, in most cases, you must complete them in under 2 hours. In some states, licensure is also required to become a phlebotomist. 

What is Phlebotomy?

Therapeutic phlebotomy is the process of taking blood from a patient through one of their veins. The procedure uses needles to do so. Most of the time, the blood that is taken from the patient comes from the arm.

Phlebotomy is not a popular term. And a lot of people know this procedure by a different name known as a blood draw. This procedure can also be called venipuncture. 

Therapeutic phlebotomy is also used to diagnose different types of medical conditions. It can also be used as a treatment for other medical conditions.  

Some of the medical conditions that therapeutic phlebotomy can treat includes the following:

  • Hemochromatosis
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Polycythemia vera

Hopefully, we have helped you gain an insight on how and where to get phlebotomy training.